Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)

The “Law on the Placing on the Market, the Taking Back and the Environmentally Sound Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act – ElektroG) states that manufacturers who wish to place electrical or electronic equipment on the market in Germany must register as manufacturers themselves and also with the brand they place on the market with the ear Foundation. Under certain conditions, importers, distributors or product manufacturers can become “manufacturers” in the sense of the law and must also register with the ear Foundation. In order to do so, they must also comply with the substance bans on electrical and electronic equipment, label it, take it back, recycle it and fulfil the information obligations towards the ear Foundation.

Old electrical appliances can be taken back, “first treated” and recycled by the “producer” itself or by “commissioned third parties”. Above all, the trade is becoming increasingly involved in the take-back obligation.

The activities we carry out in this area comply with the requirements of the legislator and are aimed at manufacturers / importers as well as disposal companies of electrical and electronic equipment and operators of municipal collection and transfer points.

We offer the following testing services for stakeholders as defined by the ElektroG:

1. for distributors

  • Preliminary check of manufacturer registration and
  • Testing for fulfilment of the reporting obligations under ElektroG*

2. confirmation of the take-back of electrical and electronic equipment by manufacturers or distributors

  • Examination of the set-up of take-back systems for electrical and electronic equipment for manufacturers or ‘authorised third parties’,
  • Examination and confirmation of quantities taken back and recycled in accordance with Section 27 (3) ElektroG for submission to Stiftung ear

3. certification of primary treatment facilities

  • Inspection and certification of primary treatment facilities (VzW and SW) according to § 21 ElektroG with inspection of technical suitability as well as further monitoring of the treatment of electrical and electronic equipment.

4. certification of companies for the secure destruction of data media in accordance with DIN 66399

  • Testing and certification of compliance with the requirements of DIN 66399 and CON.6 of the BSI (Federal Office for Security in Information Technology) and the applied security system.

We know which way to go!

If you are looking for audits in the area of product responsibility and at the same time expect a high level of expertise and professional competence, reliability and integrity, you have come to the right place.

+49 (0) 7143-9695810

Sachverständigenbüro Widmayer GmbH