Battery Act (BattG)

The amended “Act on the marketing, return and environmentally sound disposal of batteries and accumulators (Battery Act – BattG)”, which came into force on 01.01.2021, states that manufacturers who wish to place batteries and/or accumulators on the market in Germany must register themselves as manufacturers and also with the brand they place on the market by 01.01.2022 at the latest with the body entrusted by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), stiftung elektro-altgeräte register (Foundation ear).

Distributors of batteries and accumulators are obliged to take them back in the immediate surroundings of the retail outlet. Manufacturers, in turn, are obliged to take back the spent batteries and accumulators collected by the distributors or at collection points of the public waste management authority and to recycle them. For this purpose, producers may use a) a joint take-back system or b) a producer’s own take-back system.

According to § 15 BattG, the take-back systems are obliged to document a performance review of the batteries taken back and recycled and to have this reviewed by an independent expert.

We offer the following testing services for the players within the meaning of the BattG:

1. manufacturer registration and fulfilment of reporting obligations under the BattG:

- Examination of the documents prepared and compiled by ‘producers within the meaning of the Act’ for producer registration with the EAR Foundation.

2. review of the success control established and documented by a battery take-back system for the previous calendar year.

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Sachverständigenbüro Widmayer GmbH