Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV)

The amendment to the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV), which came into force on 1 August 2017, aims to increase material waste recycling by extending the obligation to keep waste separate.

Among other things, higher-quality recycling is to be made possible by keeping commercial municipal waste and certain construction and demolition waste separate. To fulfil this, the amended ordinance requires complete and uninterrupted documentation of this required separate collection of waste. The burden of documentation lies with the waste producers and is required above all by the competent waste authorities.

If separate collection of commercial municipal waste is not possible, the waste mixtures must be forwarded to a suitable pre-treatment facility (usually commercial waste sorting facilities).

At the same time, the Ordinance offers a solution if there is no possibility of separate collection for a small proportion of waste mixtures and they are to be recovered for energy recovery, for example. In this case, proof of a separate collection rate of at least 90 % from the previous year can be submitted.

Our services include the following activities:

1. checking the correct waste allocation
2. checking the required documentation in accordance with the GewAbfV or
3. checking your documentation for completeness and correctness
4. inspection and, if applicable, confirmation of separate collection of 90%

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Sachverständigenbüro Widmayer GmbH